Climate modelling and remote sensing  

This module complements the Climate & Weather core module. It is aimed at students from the Climate & Weather learning line who are interested in the synergy offered by the combination of remote sensing and climate models to understand, predict and model the wide range of processes governing our present-day coupled climate system. After completing this module, students will be able to: Formulate, consolidate, and prioritize remote sensing data requirements to study processes in the coupled climate system and validate and inform their parametrization in climate models Select a suitable observation technique to observe the variable(s) of interest, drawing on their prior/existing understanding of the underlying physical principles Characterize real or synthetic observation data, perform a quality assessment, estimate the parameters of interest and reflect on the ability of the available data to meet their requirements. Construct (simplified) models of climate variables and evaluate these with remote sensing data. Analyse climate simulations for the purpose of process understanding (climate science) as well as for the interpretation of remote sensing data records. Reflect on how integration of remote sensing data in climate modelling may improve our understanding and prediction of climate variables.
Climate modelling and remote sensing

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